Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Decorating covers

This year I'm taking Effy Wild's year-long bundle of Moonshine and Book of Days 2018. My main art work will go in my altered art journal which still has a few spreads to go
I will decorate the cover when I am finished the journal. As well as that I'm going to have lots of notes in our Moonshine class which need to go in a binder, and I also need to have a new Inner Work Journal (part 3). Decided to decorate both covers together. My Inner Work journal is just an A4 notebook with a hard cover which already had some lovely butterflies on it and I am recycling an old binder. 
I decided to start with paper collage to cover some of the original binder cover, and to just apply a layer of clear gesso over the butterflies to make it easier to apply other media.
Then it was time to start applying colour - cheap but lovely coloured acrylic paints and some modeling paste through a stencil on the binder. Then I added sprays and drippage
One of the reasons I love to keep this blog is that I can look back on projects and see the steps I took. This time I referred back to the cover I made in January
and remembered how much I enjoyed using the serviettes. I liked them on the binder
with lovely Pebeo iridescent blue black 
Then it was time to add gold for shine and some Lumiere Halo Violet Gold just to tone down that pink a little ♥
I'm loving this and need to add a bit more pink around - new stencil and that Halo Violet Gold - also on the journal cover
I'm in love with the binder after this and calling it done. Click on any photo to see it larger.
Need to tone down the pink on my journal cover so adding a glaze and some iridescent turquoise through another old fav stencil
And now I'm happy that my journal cover is complete. I'm continuing to embrace SHINE as my word for 2018.
What a change from before to after!

Now I'm all set with my journals for 2018 - can't wait for the new classes to start


  1. Thank you for sharing your process! Just a few more days before classes begin!!

  2. Beautiful covers and they look so nice on your bookshelf as well! There's something very exciting and satisfying about doing covers!

  3. You are ready indeed. I'm impressed. And your covers are beautiful and inviting. Happy New Year.

  4. Thanks everyone and a Happy 2018 to you all ♥


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