Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Christmas cards

I've got in the habit of making an annual batch of Christmas cards. I don't usually know when I start what I'm going to do, and this year was even more serendipitous since I did a base page in my art journal and had some excess paint which I decided to scrape off onto card bases with an old credit card. I was surprised at how many that gave me! 
Gorgeous iridescent gold glow to these - perfect for the festive season. Then I took these bases with me to my recent happy creative weekend away at the beach and added some bits of Christmas serviettes and then stencils as took my fancy.
I love the wee angel girls on horseback and have used up all my serviettes with this image now. Came home and added stitch and stamped words to finish them off
Not long now....Merry Merry ♥

1 comment:

  1. This is definitely more productive than making cards one by one! Loving the results - the stitching and that little shimmer is what makes them! Merry Christmas Lynette, if I don't speak to you until then! Only a few more days to go! xx


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