Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Daily Journaling Week 36

I'm following the prompts of the original Documented Life 2014Week 36 : Black & White And from the blog for Life Documented 2017 HERE : 
Prompt:  To use school supplies.
Technique:  Using a variety of school supplies feel free and go back to basics.
Quote: “I’m still learning.” – Michelangelo, age 87

Another busy week....I don't think I'll stop saying that until school holidays at the beginning of October - maybe not even then! The trick is to focus on the thing in front of you that has to happen that day (lists are my friend) and I've been saying no to a few things as well - that experience has just provided relief not guilt so I am doing the right thing there ♥  I've also given myself permission to only post once a week...then if you see me more than that this month it's a bonus.
Decided to try out some new stencils I got from a school supplies store for a simple journal spread for last week. I began with a layer of cheap black student acrylic paint and then while still damp wiped away some with baby wipe and simple stencils
Then I sponged a couple of stencil images with white 
- the Koru (bottom right) is one of my favourites - it symbolises new beginnings, harmony and growth and life - so appropriate for Spring, and nicely complemented by the silver ferm - an important New Zealand symbol. 
I decided to do some simple enhancement with my white sharpie paint pen 
and then keeping it back to basics I simply added some found words : we have 3 weeks of business/busy-ness until our holidays and I have a well-mapped path to get me through the tasks I need to complete. Click on any photo to see it larger
I do like the simplicity of this spread - clarity in my busy world ♥
You can see all my posts about this project HERE and my Flickr album HERE.


  1. What a cool page! Love what you achieved with the technique of removing paint over a stencil. Love the poem too - very deep! I have no problem saying 'no' to people LOL - you should never feel guilty about that. It's your life and your time and you should decide what you want to do with it. Some people think they own your time, but they don't!

  2. Thanks Zsuzsa - I am feeling proud of how I am managing all the demands on me at the moment!


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