Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Book of Days : Star Shine

Art lesson from Book of Days - first lesson for Session 3 was about creating a textured background and then using masks to lovely effect. Effy's example was the autumn leaves spread HERE. Of course we're not in Autumn here in New Zealand, so I thought I'd do something reflecting my word SHINE
I did my background (pretty colours - gold included of course), and then Coldplay's lyrics just popped into my head "Look at the stars, Look how they shine for you" so that informed how my page developed 
Detail showing lovely layers. Click on any photo to see it larger. 
Page complete : 
See my Flickr album for all my art from classes with Effy HERESign up to Book of Days or other classes with Effy Wild HERE 


  1. Hi Lynette! I've got so much to catch up on! I really missed not having the internet for my daily fix of art inspiration! Love the feel of this page - it makes me happy! :)

  2. Thanks for commenting on the posts - I have missed you 😊
    Hope the move in is going well - good to see that you are back to creative projects. We are coming into Spring here which makes me very happy.


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