Tuesday, August 29, 2017

One Little Word 2017 : August - this chapter

I'm taking Ali Edwards' One Little Word OLW workshop. The monthly prompts encourage you to connect with your word throughout the year and I've been enjoying how SHINE is developing in 2017. This month we were encouraged to take a look at where we are right now - consider this chapter of our life by thinking about what we are struggling with and what we're celebrating. 
I've been struggling with overwhelm this month.  Not one big thing, just LOTS on - a big refurbishment project on at work and working some extra hours because of that, 6 birthdays to be celebrated, roses to be pruned, a large creative to do list, normal domestic stuff, being present for my family, making sure I connect with friends, keeping up the gym habit....Added to that are a couple of side issues - hormonal migraines and insomnia + dealing with crappy wet and cold weather....
I've found a few strategies that help 
1. Listing and prioritising - getting the things done that have important deadlines, and being more relaxed about when other things happen (or don't...aka housework!). This was my creative to do list for August - ticked a lot of it off, and let some stuff go
2. Reminding myself that I can only do what's in front of me - stressing about what's coming isn't going to help anything
3. Asking for help - telling people what I need to get through - being honest about how I really am so that I can be supported and show others that they can ask for help as well. 
4. Writing it out - my Inner Work Journal has been AWESOME 
- I write down my frustrations, save helpful advice (eg uplifting emails from Brave Girls)
and often draw tarot to see what's resonating with me and then reflecting on my response to that
5. Creating - every time I make time for creativity I feel better. Sometimes writing fills the need, more often it's stitching, mixed media fun or art journaling. Which brings me to CELEBRATING : I have happily completed a lot of projects this month :  
I am also so very grateful for my husband and my boys and the closeness of our relationships, as well as for my lovely girlfriends who are always very ready to meet for coffee or wine and a chat and share of our lives and joys. Last week in my daily journal
And so to creating my spread for this month. I began by printing some of the digitals supplied by Ali onto old calendar paper. I love the effect of these flowers in the background
I responded to the prompts in note form since I've been writing around this topic a lot in my journal 
and attached this as a flap over my creative projects plus my usual monthly list of what I've been reading and watching - less this month than usually.
I didn't follow the photo prompt as suggested this month, but I have included a photo of me as I am "right now" - wearing a new fav black cold-shoulder top that SHINES ♥
It's been a month of learning and personal growth. Although I haven't talked about my word on those pages, I've been actively trying to SHINE throughout August. 
From my original post
Engage meaningfully with others
Develop relationships
Continue to blog
Shine so others believe they can too
Good eating + Gym habit = Energised
Be mindful
Self-care and self-compassion
Explore intuition/oracle cards
Build inner strength/belief in myself
Lighten up - try not to sweat the small stuff
Practice gratitude
Reflect on daily activities and make improvements (good habits = easier to shine without effort)
Pay attention to what I will accept (eg. let other people's negativity slide off)  
Regularly spend time doing what I love : 
- creating
being with my family
meeting regularly with friends
walking on the beach
- lighting more candles
- wearing sparkles when I dress
- reading good books 
- watching good movies and TV series
- listening to good music
SHINE is still very present every day ♥
Looking forward to September and the promise of new beginnings that Spring brings. I've already made my {mostly} creative priority list
See all my posts about OLW 2017 HERE, and my Flickr album which includes any art featuring my word as well as the class prompts HERE.

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