Thursday, August 24, 2017

Daily Journaling Week 34

Another week almost gone and we are rushing toward September - thankfully it really does feel like we are approaching Spring this week. Colder temperatures but apart from Sunday, sunshine every day. It's a VERY welcome change from all the rain we've been having.
I'm following the prompts of the original Documented Life 2014Week 34 : Fill the page with numbers that relate to your week
And from the blog for Life Documented 2017 HERE : 
Prompt:  To create our very own art gallery.
Technique: Create mini pieces of art using a variety of mediums and techniques (ink spray, threads, sewing techniques, sketching etc)
This week I started with a spread base already created by cleaning off stencils 
As I've mentioned before, this can either be a blessing or a curse. This week, it's a blessing. It's great to have 2 lots of prompts to choose from, because I just haven't had time this week to follow the 2017 prompt as I would have liked. Bit of a cheat maybe, but my project photos have become the gallery of my art this week!
Read more about these projects by clicking on the links below : 
Stitch*Bookery book 2
Little book from one piece of paper
Stitch*Bookery book 3 - accordian book 
I thought the prompt from 2014 of fill your page with numbers from your week would be fun, and it was....I stamped the numbers and filled in the details. It's a simple but fun spread - not every week can be great art! As always, I hope that seeing my work encourages you to add more creativity to your days.
You can see all my posts about this project HERE and my Flickr album HEREMy journal is blooming ♥

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