Sunday, July 2, 2017

Mixed Media Fabric Art Class

Yesterday I taught my mixed media fabric art class at the Ashhurst Quilt shop. I started the day like this
and after I'd finished talking the bench looked like this :-)
We had 10 enthusiastic women in attendance, and had a fun day where I shared many of my favourite techniques including use of found words, incorporating paper serviettes, stamping,
painted fusible web, using punched cardboard and making your own mixed-fibre cords
Everyone enjoyed making crusty melted tyvek beads
playing with paints
and using stencils 
Serviettes were dyed with a lovely distress ink pad technique
By the end of the day we had lovely banner layouts
Some gorgeous pages - many had fun trying different kinds of image printing on TAP paper, extravorganza, lutradur, and silk
Here are some other scrummy gatherings of created and colour-themed things
It really was a creatively perfect way to start July ♥

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