Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Free classes!

I like to keep tabs on cheap and free online offerings to share with you - you can always find the link to the classes that last all year or indefinitely HERE (and via the link in my top right side bar), but I've just found out about a couple of things that are only available for the next few weeks.
Tamara Laporte is offering a free taster lesson from her Ever After 2016 class - it's only available until the end of June HERE.
Watch the videos to create your Little Mermaid until the end of June and you are able to download the extensive PDF file to keep.
There's a variety of free online workshops available at the Woman Unleashed Online Retreat - register HERE.
Do as much or as little as you want - I always register because there are some of my favourite inspiring teachers involved. It doesn't matter if there's only one lesson that speaks to you....available until mid-July.
It's been a special birthday fortnight for me - I'll be back soon sharing about my celebrations and lots more art. Hope these links inspire more creativity in your week

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