Thursday, May 18, 2017

Quilt inspirations.

Saturday was our club's annual Tote & Gloat show. I've shared these days with you before - after a busy week at school with book week, this was a fabulous chance to slow down and absorb some quilt inspiration and catch up with lovely like-minded creative friends. Great venue with heaps of quilts on display. They are shown on the stage
 and then hung for our later viewing pleasure. I shared my quilt in my previous post.
I took quite a lot of photos this year - what follows are my favourite inspirations, but I'm sorry there are no labels so I can't credit makers this time. Click on any photo for a larger view.
As well as the show and tell, there were challenge quilts made by members. 
A coffee cup challenge (above) and a circle challenge (some of them below). Check out our Rose City Quilters blog with all the challenge winners HERE.
Some special exhibitions gave us even more to look at and be inspired by. Small quilts : 
Dolls and creatures made with Jill Maas patterns or classes : 
And there's always shopping...
although I only spent $2.50 this year! Cute butterfly buttons - pen is just there for scale. 
Lucky person who won our beautiful raffle quilt : 
and I was re-inspired to get on with some Sue Spargo-inspired stitching as I listened to our guest speaker, Rachel Maw from Annies Country Quilt Store
As you can see it was an awesome, inspiring day. I always come home wanting to stitch and not sure which one to start with next ;-)

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