Tuesday, May 30, 2017

One Little Word 2017 : April + May

I'm taking Ali Edwards' One Little Word OLW workshop. The monthly prompts encourage you to connect with your word throughout the year and I'm excited to see what happens with my word in 2017. I am still feeling very connected to SHINE ♥
For April we were invited to get curious about our word and come up with questions to make us actively think about what our word means right now. I didn't actually use Ali's idea of post-it notes around the place, but I wrote down questions in my Inner Work Journal and explored my responses. Some questions that gave good insights : 
What does it FEEL like when I SHINE? How do I affect others?
What is the opposite of SHINE? and can that help me SHINE more effectively? 
What do I do if I feel "down" to get myself back to SHINE?
Are there other words that I need to support SHINE this month?
What am I noticing that I am doing to SHINE that is different from 6 months ago? - this gave me a gratitude list and recognition of my progress ♥
The May prompt was photo storytelling. I ended up with a triple-spread in my Inner Work Journal celebrating the things that make me SHINE. First I thought about the words that make up SHINE
And then I went looking for photos that reflected the statement "I am SHINING when...." I've taken a photo of each page in case you want to look closer (click to see even larger)
I enjoyed adding pretty tape to add more shine and the notes will help me remember my thoughts later about why I chose these photos.
See more details of that self-love portrait HERE. At the end of the month in my Inner Work journal I always keep a record of what I'm watching, reading, listening to, and since they are all part of ENJOY *  and sometimes other parts of my word I decided to include them as an extra flip-out
Here's what the entire spread looks like open
And here it is with the flip-out closed - these guys help me to SHINE every day ♥
I shared the beginnings of my Inner Work Part 2 Journal HERE. I began it at the beginning of April, and it's already blooming : 
As well as this journal containing writing for self-development, I also keep inspiring things like some of the daily messages from Brave Girls Club. This one seemed to be written especially for me ♥
Looking forward to exploring further in June. See all my posts about OLW 2017 HERE, and my Flickr album which includes any art featuring my word as well as the class prompts HERE.


  1. Love where you're taking this, Lynette! You're really working that word and living it too! I had to think for a moment to remember mine LOL. It was 'evolve' but I'm not feeling it any more. I should come up with another - something along the lines of "be-content-with-what-you-have-and-make-the-most-of-it-otherwise-you'll-never-be-happy" - maybe 'content' for short. I'll sit on it a while longer and see what happens. 'Evolve' is not taking me anywhere at the moment!

  2. It has turned out to be the perfect word for me this year ♥


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