Sunday, May 7, 2017

Daily Journaling Week 18

This is last week's daily journal spread. As I shared in my previous post, we've started May with both highs and lows and I'm VERY busy so when I got a window of time, I did something easy to keep up in my daily journal. I'm following the prompts of the original Documented Life 2014Week 18 : Add an inspiring quote to guide your weekAnd from the blog for Life Documented 2017 HERE : create a swatch page of your favourite art medium/s. Stamp and colour in. 
I already keep what I call a studio book where I keep swatches of art mediums (will share in another post) so decided I'd just stamp some pretty flowers with one of my favourite ink pads
The prompt was "Stamp and colour in" so I did that with some pretty twinkling H2Os which I don't use that often. 
They are shimmery loveliness that doesn't photograph well here.... Then they needed additional doodles
and my other prompt "add an inspiring quote to guide your week" 
A good reminder that if you don't actually set a time, things can just drift and never get done. This is the finished spread with very quick journaling record this week.
You can see all my posts about this project HERE and my Flickr album HERE.


  1. Love the flower stamp and never thought of stamping with GOLD. Must get one of those stamp pads - someday- though, as I've just learned that's not a day of the week LOL!

  2. I love stamping with gold. It kind of got lost here but was still fun. I still think someday ;-)


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