Thursday, April 13, 2017

Quilt Talk

Happy Easter Eve. I made this small applique block in a class with McKenna Ryan in November 2009. Seemed appropriate to head this post. 
I've had a busy start to April, but my boys and I are heading into 2 weeks of school holidays starting now - YAY!  I've been focusing on quilts this past week because I was asked to speak at Levin Town & Country Quilters last night. 
I gathered a pile of my quilts, and a few of my mixed media pieces 
Click on any photo to see it larger, and the titles following to get the blog post about these projects. ABOVE : top left Celtic Cutwork, top right Velvet night garden, bottom left butterfly star book, bottom right Gran's fairy shoes
Top left LOVE fabric collage, top middle Paper & Stitch collage, top right sari ribbon slow cloth, middle left On a Lark fabric folder, middle right daily journal 2017, bottom fabric banner.
I had a fun time revisting my past quilts and it was awesome to see them all laid out on display
The invitation prompted me to finally start quilting my Disappearing Nine Patch quilt which I began back in June last year
It's tricky sometimes to know what to focus on...
I had to show it to them in progress, but hopefully I'll be sharing it with you completed very soon. If you're new here and would like to scroll through all my posts about quilts I've made click HERE
As you can see I had a fun evening, and I'm hoping to be invited back by the club to teach some mixed media projects later in the year. Wishing you a happy creative weekend. Talk to you again soon.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Lynette, you've got an amazing body of work created over the years. Lovely to see them all laid out behind you - that's a great photo!


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