Sunday, April 2, 2017

Inner Work Part 2 Journal

I shared my new first Inner Work Journal in late January HERE. I haven't shared much from it because often it doesn't contain stuff I want to share, but I wanted to just check in to say that I am so glad I started this....I am learning so much about myself - I am enjoying "writing things out" - I get new clarity, and gain perspective when I write about things that are frustrating or making me angry or when I feel like I'm not getting to where I want to be. It also makes me more in touch with things I am grateful for - celebrating when I've had success - we sometimes don't do that enough I think.
And we've reached the end of March, and I've reached the end of my first Inner Work Journal! 
It was an experiment to see if I would like it, and I next journal I picked up at a cheap store - I ♥ the cover design so will only need to add dates and I'm all set
Here are a couple of examples of things I do in my Inner Work journal - print out meaningful messages
Sign up to get uplifting messages in your email box on weekdays HERE from Brave Girls Club. I keep a track of what I've been watching, listening to and reading over the month. 
Particularly recommend this book : 
I respond to prompts from Book of Days (we get daily prompts every month to use as we wish) - I often write, but not every day.
I sometimes print out art I've made  - this is my SHINE Vision Board. It was nice to finish with looking ahead to April. And I've started my new "Wild & Free" Inner Work Journal with what Effy wrote for our April PDF for BOD while we are on hiatus, and our prompts for the month : 
Go HERE for Effy's post where she shares this PDF for everyone (it's thing four of her Friday Five last week). Then I began April by responding to the first 2 prompts for the month...which led to a creative to-do list for the's long!
I'm not worried about the length of the list - some of it is my usual routine (OLW monthly promptscontinuing Inner Work in this journal, weekly daily journal spreads), AND we have 2 weeks of school holidays this month starting at Easter. I really want to get back to quilting and other stitchy projects - if they're written down, they stand a chance of getting attention. I'll be using micro-movements ♥ Hopefully you'll see lots of me this month sharing creative progress. Happy April to you. 


  1. Sorry I was MIA for a while, Lynette! (I've just learned that phrase today LOL!) Sounds like this type of journalling is really working for you. I still haven't got through the hurdle of hating my own handwriting, let alone hating my own thoughts! I know this doesn't sound very good. I have a lot of negative thoughts and I feel if I write them down for keeps, I reinforce them. On the other hand, I enjoy the illegible type of journalling or when you cover it up, rip it up, whatever. I feel that way I can get it out of my system without having to dwell on it. Perhaps I should focus more on the positive. Clearly, I need some more work done in this respect - or just grow up LOL! I can't believe you're onto your second journal already! I'm glad it works for you and I find inspiration in that! :)

  2. glad you are back creating.... we all don't like our own writing. This journal is more about the thought processes rather than the look of it. I love Effy's classes for her affirmation parts of the classes - fake it til you make it 😉

  3. I like that motto! I'm good at faking LOL!


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