Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Daily Journaling Week 17

A few things going on this week affecting my response to the prompts. This week's prompt from the blog for Life Documented 2017 HERE : Illustrate a quote (Earth Day Bonus prompt: use recycled materials). Technique: Drawing and shading a face (mixed media)
I've also been working with the prompts of the original Documented Life 2014 : Week 17 is to Photograph or draw your favourite shoes.
You may remember that Week 16's prompt included "add photos". I took the easy option with that spread and just added some photos as part of my daily journaling. But when I'd first seen the photo prompt, I'd had a couple of ideas which I'd left in favour of the easy option. I decided to include both of those ideas this week, and I'm actually going to include all 5 prompts (above in green).
To begin was easy. It's ANZAC day in New Zealand today and I had a lovely sticker tape of poppies I wanted to include on the spread - and obviously to include all those prompts I need a flap!
1. Use recycled materials  I was hoping the red ink on this underpaper was still water-soluble, and when I ran gel medium over the top as well it all blended out and onto the page ♥
2. Add photos  I decided to spread my day blocks out to give me space for larger photos with my journaling and I decided to feature art in the middle for a change. More on the poppy further down...
3. Photograph or draw your favourite shoes.This fun prompt made me photograph the beginnings of my next fabric project in a different way :-)
4. Add photos I wanted to use a photo as a beginning of a drawing. Here I've extended the poppy idea with charcoal pencil and a blending stump. 
Sprayed with workable fixative before adding colour with watercolour pencils. The finished poppy also includes the prompt Illustrate a quote.
5. Drawing and shading a mixed media face. I've been trying to complete my Facing Forward II class lessons from Effy Wild while I have time in the holidays. Popped down some more recycled under paper, and then used Effy's method from her final bonus lesson of using a photograph as the base of my mixed media face. I forgot to take process photos and I regret that! Traced over this photo of me to transfer with carbon paper
Then used charcoal pencil and smudging - when I sprayed with fixative though the blue carbon showed through...so she's ended up a bit more mixed media than first intended! Fits the prompt though. 
Here's this week's finished spread with flap closed
and open
There's some space left for my journaling of Wed-Fri this week. Friday we go to Wellington to watch my eldest son in a basketball tournament for a couple of days, and then we're back to school on Monday! Enjoy the end of April.
You can see all my posts about this project HERE and my Flickr album HERE


  1. Very nice! I like how it all came together! :)

  2. Thanks so much Nicole - your blog is inspiring

  3. So many details in that one spread! I can not tell you how much I like your fabric scraps and shoes! Those look like my kind of shoes! Happy ANZAC day for yesterday! I'm just reading a book about Gallipoli and didn't realise ANZAC day was yesterday!

  4. ps. silly of me to see happy ANZAC day, as it wasn't a happy occasion :(


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