Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Daily Journaling Week 9

I'm following the prompts of the original Documented Life 2014Week 9 : collage something you recycled. This part was easy - did you see my haul of recycled magazines from the book sale last week?
Additionally, on the blog for Life Documented 2017 HERE we had a fun demo of adding a clear tip-in with a window. Obviously I needed to add a flap again to my spread - I flipped through one of my magazines from Jan/Feb (just happens to be that one in the photo top left!) and after finding a suitably summery picture, glued it to my flap, and punched a circle window in it. 
I attached it on the inside with plain masking tape since I will go over that, and then edged the collaged image with pretty tape on both sides. I decided to start the inside spread with a pretty sunshiney base to reflect the wonderful weather we've been having this past week or so - Summer love at last. I don't believe it's the first day of Autumn - hopefully we won't feel that for another few weeks - I'm guessing {hoping} that we'll be able to wait until at least the equinox March 20 before we begin a change of season.
I had several choices for my clear element : pretty plastic wrap (recycled), a scrap piece of printed vellum, and a transparency previously stamped with staz-on ink
I decided this would go over the window of the tip-in (flap) - here's the patterned plastic I chose lifted out of the way
Then I had way too much fun adding some other elements from my recycled magazine and altering some for my purposes :-)
Here you can see the finished flap folded closed to reveal the plastic and flower beneath
And here open
Happily - this was one of the places I added an extra couple of pages secured with a silver hair band - happily because I was able to slot in the card I was given for speaking at our club night
Here's the entire spread with card and extra flap
There's a lot going on in this spread and it was really fun to incorporate all the prompt elements. Only a bit more journaling for me to add to finish the week as we begin March. Looking forward to seeing what I can create this coming month. You can see all my posts about this project HERE and my Flickr album HERE


  1. Looks like you have tremendous fun in your diary/journal and I always find it so inspiring - because it's so authentic!

  2. I must admit I AM having great fun in here - both nice and challenging with the smaller size, but never an excuse not to do for the week because it is so small.


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