Friday, February 24, 2017

Daily Journaling Week 8

I'm following the prompts of the original Documented Life 2014Week 8 : add a flap to your flap and that wasn't quite enough to inspire so I also looked at Life Documented 2017 and week 8 there was : Prompt : Use scrap paper or under paper. I enjoy using underpaper as a start - I often have newsprint out under my work and clean paint off onto it. I started by adding a flap (to have another flap to add to!) and then covered my surfaces with an initial layer of under paper.
 Once trimmed I added paint through a mask
and then some doodles
I've had a good bargain shopping week. First the art supplies from Gordon Harris 20% off (see my previous post) then bought some lovely clothes on special which have nice tags - I thought I might use one as my 'add a flap to your flap'
It's been a busy week and I've been frustrated not to get this spread finished sooner, but obviously I was waiting for these wonderful finds at the library book sale today - 20 magazines for $2 (not a typo!!!)
 - great quality paper and fabulous text that inspired me to finish at last
Here's the spread open with my tag down
And here's the spread with the flap closed
You don't usually get to see my journaling - it's not so pretty as some weeks, but you can see more lovely magazine quotes from those bargain magazines to the left and right, and I like to include some photos if I can.
If you are interested in other weekly prompts see the blog for Life Documented 2017 HEREYou can see all my posts about this project HERE and my Flickr album HERE


  1. Wonderfully rich colours and pattern in those backgrounds! Great finds as well! Enjoy your weekend!

  2. Thanks Zsuzsa - hope you have a lovely weekend too. I also had a fantastic score when I went back later and got Julia Cameron's "Vein of Gold" for $4! I have been doing a bit of exporing about writing so hoping this will be a nice companion to her "Artist's Way" work.

  3. I've looked up Julia Cameron on Amazon and YT and bookmarked her. Certainly intriguing! Thanks for the pointer! ;)


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