Friday, January 20, 2017

Sharing inspiration

It's a long weekend for me : Wellington Anniversary weekend with Monday off. I'll share how I'm spending it later. I won't be posting my own art until I'm back, so thought I would share some recent discoveries that are not so much new techniques but reminders of cool things you can do. Hope they inspire you in your art.
I ♥ Pebeo iridescent paints - these are the two colours I own that have become fast favourites.
After watching this colour mixing video from Joggles, I'm thinking I may need some more, but of course I have other metallic paints that I'm sure I could use try these techniques.
This is another Joggles one promoting Dina Wakley's Media tape but could be applied to other tapes - it's inspiring for making your own or altering what you have. 
I've made my own tapes in the past on micropore tape and with a gelli plate on other surfaces 
A cute technique that I must try again from Stencil Girl Mary Beth Shaw 
: use stencils as rubbing plates underneath magazine pages 
- instructions HERE.
And if you're interested in painting faces with acrylics, there's a really cool guide to mixing skin tones HERE - includes a link to a FREE class about it on Craftsy. 
And I didn't know that Craftsy has an Art blog with painting and drawing tips
I love Geninne Zlatkis' work. See my review of her stamp carving book HERE. Every month she posts a piece of art that you can use for a calendar on your computer desktop. Go HERE for her blog. 
January 2017 Desktop Calendar
Above is January.
Strathmore have also released their list of free online workshops available for 2017. Beginning in March, click on the photo below to see it larger and find out more details HERE
I've added these workshops to my list of cheap and free online classes which you can always find top right beneath my profile.
Hope you have a lovely weekend. Talk to you when I get back.


  1. Having a dyeing weekend here too, to take advantage of the three day weekend. Hope you have a fun time.

  2. I great collection of ideas! I think I have those two exact same Dyna paints as you! They are really shimmery!

  3. Thanks Tawa - enjoyed visiting your blog - lovely quilts :-)

  4. Hey Zsuzsa - They are great paints, but the discovery of Iridescent medium since has been such a joy ♥


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