Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Daily Journaling Week 3 and Summer Hols ♥

I am going to try and keep posting on the weekend for my Daily journaling, but I'm late this week because I've been on holiday :-) 
I'm following the prompts of the original Documented Life project 2014Week 3 : Add an envelope from your mail box. 2 envelopes in my mail box the day I started this spread - both bills! But one  has this window...
Original spread had colour again - just as well because I started this not feeling very inspired
Began by trimming my windowed envelope to fit the page size. Love the glow of the left page, and the pretty soft colours generally so just started by adding more colour from that palette with stencils - feel like adding a couple of art cards to put in the envelope too
And quite soon I had this : 
There is now a blog for Life Documented 2017 where you can pick up the prompts very easily HERE. Week 3's prompt from there was to add a face. I already did that last week - here she is with holiday snaps added for memory keeping....
So this week I decided to add some favourite faces to one of the cards as a reminder of some lovelies that I am grateful for. Journaled on the back about them ♥
Here are a few of my holiday snaps so you can share my beautiful New Zealand : 
Brown Sugar cafe in Taihape - lunch on the way up the island. Lovely angel inspirations in Rotorua
Gannets at Muriwai beach in Auckland
And lovely walk at North Head, Devonport still in Auckland : 
Exploring old defences and lovely sea walk
And the gorgeous Auckland domain for a birthday picnic followed by evening celebrations for my niece 
Dixie Brown's highly recommended in Taupo for dinner AND breakfast the following day!
Back home again yesterday and this is my spread right now. Decided to leave my journaling page looser without lines so I can add photos or writing sized as desired and leave out some days if I decide I don't have things to capture.
There will be more additions to my spread and the other art card as the week progresses. I'll share in my next daily journal post. You can see all my posts about this project HERE and my Flickr album HEREHope you are fitting creativity and other happy things into your week.

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