Monday, December 5, 2016

Bookmarks for my school librarians

During term time I'm a part-time school librarian, and I have wonderful students who help me in my job. In 2014  I made bookmarks from Pelmet Vilene for my head librarian and deputy. Last year I decided I'd make one for every librarian. Starting with dylusions inks on a base of watercolour paper, they were fun to make and very well received :-) Even seen some still using them this 12 months later!
I liked the watercolour paper for the base, and this time started with some random sprays through stencils
and a bit of lighter sprays for the backs
Then I added some more general shapes in paint - used some of my mini gelli plates which was fun for some of this
I don't think you can go wrong as long as you don't mix wet paint to make mud. They look cool once trimmed to size (click on any photo to see it larger)
Messages of thanks added to the back and fibre tassels added
and then time to add some stamping as I thought they needed
and others just looked good without having to add anything else
There were a few too many for my students, so added some lovely butterflies for some of my friends
The librarians had theirs delivered this morning. 

1 comment:

  1. Very thoughtful of you! They look superb all lined up next to each other!


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