Saturday, August 13, 2016

LB2016 : Embracing all of you.

I chose this next Life Book 2016 project from Tam mainly because I was going to speak to a group who were interested in gelli plate printing, and I thought they might like to see it as an art journal background. 
I started my figure in the masked area, and she was okay but I got my face proportions a bit wrong
I feel frustrated with myself sometimes that I forget the simplest things - but can always fix it and I can see that every project I do is more learning and improving my skills. You can see here below I just painted over the eyes and nose and fixed her up...ruler for my personal reminder :-)
Time to leave her and get going on the background. In every piece, I try to inject myself as artist. Decided that since I love stencils, they would totally change the look of my piece. I used lovely silver paint - gives the piece such a glow.
It worked so well I decided to give her dress stencil treatment as well...
I was aiming for more texture than contrast this time - the lumiere paint is just gorgeous. It gave her dress an embossed look - very happy with this
The metallic worked so well in the background, I just HAD to use metallic pen for hair details as well. Click any photo to see it larger.
I decided not to add too much to the ground area, but dipping the side of a credit card in gold paint added some nice additional grassy lines. And I had to have just a few butterflies... used that same lumiere paint from the dress for them and the touch of tapa stenciling.
One of my other signatures is to add found text. Since I'd done a double spread, I decided to flick through my large print book to see if anything jumped out at me...and it didn't take long to piece together the perfect phrase
Here's the completed spread
Click on the photo to see it larger, or go HERE to see my Flickr album of all my Life Book 2016 projects. You can see all my posts about Life Book this year HERE. Wishing you a weekend of creativity and calm.

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