Friday, June 10, 2016

DLP (under paper, circle stickers and stamps) and Daily Journaling

I feel like I struggled to make art this past month. Partly it was timing, fitting it in around busy times - some happy, some sad - finishing a piece sometimes freezes me for a bit (I want to make another quilt, but hard to make a decision about which one), and the change of seasons this time of year affects me. I've noted on my blog in previous years that this (any time from May-July) is my down-time in terms of creativity, but I always struggle when it happens and worry that I am losing my mojo, feel disappointed with myself that I'm not spending time creating when I KNOW it will help, but I just can't motivate myself. This spread reflects that - lots of photos of what we've been watching together as a family (good DVD watching weather!), what I've been reading and not so much art.
One of the Documented Life prompts was to use under paper, so I took that as my first page base! I'd always wanted to somehow use that gorgeous stencil print
Second page, I managed to make an Art Card from combining a couple of DLP prompts : using circle stickers and stamps. Again I started with something created previously - some spray paint on a piece of A4 cardstock - I'm sure the other pieces will show up in future daily journaling spreads
June is birthday month for both me and my youngest son and I look forward to happy social times with family and friends and to a creative play day with friends that always inspire me. I used the top left section to create my June card :
The edge along the top of the card is created with a handmade stamp. June begins with the long Queens' birthday weekend and that gave me a chance to create something that I enjoyed and reminds me my joy in creating is still inside and I am confident more of that will happen this month. 
One of the fun things I found recently was these stencils on special at the Warehouse -they are for decorating cakes and were originally only $6, on special the day I got them with 60% off - do love a good bargain!
Think I mentioned earlier that winter has arrived - I thought the snowflake stencil could represent our morning frosts
I finished this spread with a butterfly stamp celebrating my latest Life Book lesson completion. I'll share that with you next post.
Here's the completed spread. 
I feel happy that I am still managing these spreads, and they are so worth it because when I look back I will remember the lovely coffee catch-ups with my friends, and the excitement of ordering our new curtains and making progress on tiling our bathroom. It's a good reminder that I am living a creative life even when I'm not blogging about art projects!
You can see my Flickr album with all my daily journaling spreads HERE. You can find out more about DLP 2016 the unPlanner HERE.


  1. I've been following you blog for ages - you are inspiring! Today I noticed two things on your side bar. I probably read before that you lived in Palmerston North, but it wouldn't have been significant then, but now my son and fiance have moved there. But also, it was so good to discover through you that Gordon Harris has gelli plates - I do go into the Hamilton shop fairly regularly, so will look for them. I bought one from someone who has since gone out of business. I'd just discovered Tulis Textiles, but somehow I just like real shops. Thank you. :-)

  2. Hi Cally - it makes me so happy that you left a comment 😊 I hope your son and fiance enjoy Palmerston North - I love living here for so many reasons. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  3. Hi Lynette! I think creativity ebbs and flows - the main thing is that you always come back in the end - it doesn't matter how long you're away. I remember last year when I didn't/couldn't create for six whole months, I came back with a vengeance with all this pent up creative energy - I literally could not stop creating! So don't worry, it's all good! Love your double spread and great idea using cake stencils!


Thank you so much for leaving a comment. I will always respond to you so check back here in a couple of days.