Sunday, June 19, 2016

Birthday Play Day : Crepe Paper Flowers

It was my birthday last week. Had a wonderful time and have lots to share but I have to start at the end! I finished my birthday week with a play day yesterday where we made crepe paper peonies from a pattern by Lia Griffith - that link will take you to her photo tutorial. You need to join her site (only $5 per month) to get the pattern templates, and she has a youtube video of her process as well - all very helpful. 
Didn't take process photos because you pretty much cut the crepe paper and then start gluing with a hot glue gun. But was so thrilled with how they turned out. Mine was purple - used the gold for the stamens. Because of the way I've set the outer petals, my flower looks more like an Oriental poppy - but I am just fine with that :-)
My friends made the pink and the red
I don't know if you've used a hot glue gun, but you need to be careful about the drips of glue and the stringiness can be a challenge....we used an old cake tin for the mess
I took lots of photos from different angles because I so love how they turned out
And then they took theirs last night, while watching the rugby, I cut more petals and this morning I was able to make 2 more so I now have a bunch on my table :-)
I took a progress photo of this one before adding the outer petals to show that you could make them more like Californian poppies
and here it is complete. I tried the yellow stamens instead of the gold on this one.
I also made a yellow one, and I can't decide which one is my favourite
And then, just for fun, I tried spraying through the hot glue leavings since I've had past experience with hot glue stencil fun.
Not a fabulous result of circle detail, but fun backgrounds for cards.
Just one more photo of my flowers :-)
Hope you've had a creative and fun weekend. Talk to you again soon.

1 comment:

  1. Love the photo with all three of them on the floor - they look beautiful together - I can see why you wanted to make some more after your friends took theirs home! I've tried the hot glue stencil once but with limited success. It does give you some nice organic shapes though. Might try it again!


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