Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Pocket art cards in my daily art journal

Although I am working in a daily art journal, sometimes I just don't get time haven't prioritised my time to do the art daily, and instead I've made notes about my days & caught up later.... This means that I'm often more concentrating on getting the writing down than being creative with the art part, so I've decided I need to change. This week I'm sharing photos of the spread as they grow as a proper DAILY practice - let's see how well I do. I'll build the blog post day by day as well. First to catch up : SATURDAY 5th March. Starting with my next "blank" spread - I'd cleaned off a baby wipe on this page....
I had some really pretty under paper which included cleaning off the stencil that I used on the previous spreadI thought it would be great as a base to start this spread...and I was right. I might need to try and not cover some of it up as I proceed. 
Used some headings for month and days from old calendars, and then wrote about the past couple of days happenings - loved being able to glue in the little duck feather. 
If you haven't read "The Secret Life of Bees" by Sue Monk Kidd, you need to make that a priority. I thought I had read it, but it must be many years ago because I don't remember much of the plot at all. I am torn between wanting to read it every minute, and wanting to save it to last for weeks ♥  Also loving "House" - an amazing series - the writing is so good, and he is so wonderful in this role. We are able to borrow them from the library and are up to Series 6. This will keep us going for the next few weeks - I don't really watch TV any more, just an episode or 2 of this in the evening with my husband and teenage son.
SUNDAY : Some say you learn something new every day. This week I learned what the actual size of a pocket art card (PAC) is! I'm sure it's been noted before, but I just went my own sweet way and didn't take too much notice. Last week for DLP 2016, there was a guest artist who explicitly talked about trimming her backgrounds to the ATC/PAC size of 2 1/2" x 3 1/2". That is small!'s a card trimmed to size, between a couple of my art cards in my journal
I'm going to keep working on cards sized as the mood takes me, but I thought it would be fun to challenge myself to try an actual PAC size. The challenge for Week 4 February was "add a tiny photo or magazine picture". I was looking for a hebe in a garden magazine (since I trimmed some in my garden today), but when I saw the lavender I decided that would work. In keeping with February's overall theme "Love without hesitation" I thought of my lovely friend who made me a gorgeous lavender pillow for my birthday. We are going to celebrate her birthday this coming weekend with a playday.  I had some lovely Sari Ribbon that toned well with the flower colours and my background and was another opportunity for me to add an element I also associate with her. This PAC became full of layers of meaning for me, and I'm amazed how much I could put on a card 2 1/2" x 3 1/2"
I so enjoyed this, and I also found that I had these different (small) cards in my draw which I could use as bases for future cards - that's my original PAC base bottom right : 
Because I'd had so much fun with the first one, I decided I could afford some more time to create another PAC today. While finding my "friend" found word, I came across some appropriate for Sunday, and I also found a couple of Journal cards (same size at the grey spotty one above) that I had already gelli printed in the past.
The size of these are 3" x 4", and quite quickly I had completed my new PAC. It perfectly fits the new theme for DLP for March : "Seeking Treasure - Finding Value in Small Moments" 
Thought you might like to see the back. And here's Sunday in the journal
MONDAY Keeping it simple, the base paper was dark so I needed a light background and didn't have much to say, so trimmed a piece of paint spattered card stock to that "official" PAC size and since it was hot decided to head it with a sun for the middle letter. I went on to add bullet points about my day
TUESDAY Not much to journal about today and not feeling 100%, but it's been windy, so had a bit of fun with my writing - adding windy swirls :-) 
WEDNESDAY A quote printed from the book above that touched me last night as I finished reading it. And I like the look of messy stamped lettering so used that for the couple of things I wanted to say today. ♥ that messy ink in the background so left it there
Sorry there haven't been other projects to share here lately- I've been making some changes in my art space and have had limited time. I have gathered collage materials though for a Life Book and a One Little Word project - so here's what my journal looks like right at this minute. Not sure if one of the collages will end up on that facing page.
Here's my daily journal page alone : 
Click on it to see it larger. You can see my Flickr album with all my daily journaling spreads HERE. You can find out more about DLP 2016 the unPlanner HERE.

1 comment:

  1. So loving the background in picture No.2! Great how you built up the page with your elements - the pocket cards are awesome with the stitching and fabric bits. It's hard to do art day-by-day because it's easy to fall behind and then it becomes quite challenging to catch up. You're doing so well, though!


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