Tuesday, March 22, 2016

LB2016 : Finding Centre with Mandalas

Another Life Book 2016 lesson to love - layers and stencils and sumptuous colour. This time with Faith Evans Sills - take a peek at her Life Book lesson HERE and check out her gallery of beautiful mandalas HERE.
I created a collage with lovely papers and not too much thought - figured it will mostly be covered with sprays anyway!
Initial gatherings of stencils, but needed more circular ones. Next photo I'm already to go, set up outside on the grass on a beautiful sunny day. Limited spray colours but excited to see what I can do with them
In progress
Maybe should have stopped there now I look at it again! But with me more is more ;-)
As predicted, can't really see anything left of the collage beneath - thank goodness for blogging and progress photos! I do like that I can still glimpse some of those pink stars. Now to add my mandala
and I decided I needed some words. Looked through some words out of magazines but then realised the blinding obvious - that I should spray paint some words! I own this stencil from Dina Wakley with just the right words
The spray paint got a bit smudgy on "transform" but I really like how it looks once I added some white paint pen to fix it :-) And here's the full finished piece :
Click on the photo to see it larger, or go HERE to see my Flickr album of all my Life Book 2016 projects. You can see all my posts about Life Book this year HERE.


  1. So beautiful, Lynette! You have the most amazing stencils to work with and you certainly did them justice! Love your painted mandala as well!

  2. Your message is perfect! Transform is just what you did here. The background, the stencils, the message! Love it all.

    I appreciate that you show so much process. It's really great to see the transformation and see how one thing inspires the next.

    I'm way behind in Life Book. Truth be told, I'm still on week one. That's ok. There's a lot going on around here. I'm finding my creativity by revamping my space so I can find things and getting rid of things so I can use the space I have. Always enjoy seeing your work.

  3. Thanks so much, Lynda. Hope you have a lovely Easter and enjoy some creative energy :-)


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