Wednesday, March 2, 2016

LB2016 : 5 minute flowers

Happy March to you! Just posting a quick bonus project from Life Book 2016 - this was called 5 minute flowers and was done by Martha Lever last week.
I had 10 minutes and a scrap of watercolour paper tonight, so here's my effort... Just watercolours :
and with pen added
Unfortunately the pen work is probably not sketchy enough. I think I liked just the watercolour effect alone better, but I love the torn edge and the machine stitching to finish it, and it's another tick off the Life Book project list. 
I've been making some changes in the area where I make art, so not so much time for art making this week, but even this little effort makes me feel better :-) I get twitchy when I don't create! Hope to share more soon.
Click on the photo to see it larger, or go HERE to see my Flickr album of all my Life Book 2016 projects. You can see all my posts about Life Book this year HERE.


  1. This is so lovely!

  2. Thank you so much for sharing, it is lovely, I've been playing with watercolors myself and putting them in instagram :) but now I know for sure that my mistake is not using watercolor paper, it looks so much prettier :) Love your flowers

  3. Clemencia - Thanks :-) Watercolour paper will give you a lovely new effect to play with.

  4. I love the watercolour effect on its own too, but I think the penwork really gives it more definition and pops it off the page. Loving the stitched borders! I was going to get my sewing machine going as well, but then I took the easy way and just drew a border with my pen!

  5. Thanks Zsuzsa - I LOVE using stitching on any art.


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