Monday, March 28, 2016

DLP (Leaves and Splatter) and my daily art journal

I enjoyed my spray paint experience so much for my  mandala life book lesson that I had to turn the page and spray the background for my next daily journaling space :
When I last shared my new enthusiasm for making Pocket Art Cards (PACs) inspired by this year's Documented Life Project, I shared these card bases, and completed the left card :
I got distracted by doing larger projects in my art journal, so by the time I was ready to work on the right card base for a PAC, I decided to combine prompts for Weeks 1 & 2 for March. Here's "going splatter crazy" and "add leaves"
Appropriate to start this spread with that card since our Autumn equinox was March 20th here in New Zealand. Although we are having slightly cooler nights so it's easier to sleep, we are still having wonderfully warm temperatures during the day, so while I am looking forward to changing my wardrobe, I'm happy to stay in my summer clothes a while longer :-) 
For the rest of this spread I had fun adding more stencil headings for my days
plus general stencil play
and including bits of handmade tape and this bit of torn butterfly serviette which otherwise would have been binned.
Photos like my paper mache tea cups (see my previous post) 
help keep a record of projects that don't go in my art journal. 
You can keep all sorts in a daily journal. I found this skeletal leaf outside our door - I guess Autumn IS on its way
and we finally watched this great movie with my 11-year-old 
So many clever levels - the adults in our household loved it too :-)
Love this art by Henri-Charles Manguin : 
It's called "Siesta in the rocking chair" and my friend had given me a bookmark featuring a part of it that was perfect to include on my page to set the scene for Easter weekend. Good Friday was a time for jobs, and I didn't want to cover up all that lovely spray paint, so instead included small photos of the day
The rest of my weekend thus far has been lovely time with family. Still have tomorrow off from school, so still some time and energy for art this long weekend I'm hoping. For now, here's my latest completed spread
Click on any photo to see it larger. You can see my Flickr album with all my daily journaling spreads HERE. You can find out more about DLP 2016 the unPlanner HERE.

1 comment:

  1. A wonderful spread - so much to look at! Brilliant idea to include photos of your art projects like the tea cups for the journal. You'll look back and think "oh, yeah, I remember when I made those!" Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my latest blog post, Lynette - it has really raised my spirits! :) Hope you're enjoying (have enjoyed) your Easter Monday!


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