Monday, February 1, 2016

Farewell January

When I unclogged my spray bottles recently, I found a few that had hardly any colour left. I decided I would start my next daily journaling spread by using up some of that just by dipping and spreading with a paint brush.
In my last daily journal post, I shared photos from our lovely holiday in New Plymouth. The first thing I needed for this spread was to capture our memories from the other 2 days. Decided I would be best to do that with photos, and some simple stencilling
The camera stencil makes me smile and I'm happy with how that film strip turned out. The darker blue/yellow is from a gelli-printing session on clear packing tape. I ♥ including these lovely arty bits. The colourful paper beneath is from another gelli-print session - useful to cover up the printed words in the background which can become very distracting.
On the opposite page, that purple was rather dark so I decided to lighten it with some white Dylusions spray through a stencil, and mopped up the excess on some other coloured card for future use (never like to waste any paint/ink)
On our way home from New Plymouth, I called at a favourite store where I picked up these bargain stamps for half price.
They looked like layered fun, and indeed turned out to be so. It's nice to have a journal to try these things out :-)
This past week I've enjoyed discovering Brene Brown - see her TED talks at that link from her name, & I've been reading this book :
A lot of what she says makes sense to me, and I think this is another area where I can do some personal growth and transformation (my word for 2016) this year.
I shared my quilt top of "Wild Women don't get the blues" towards the end of last year :
Said it would be a holiday project to quilt this, but I only recently got it basted (backing, batting and top layers sprayed and pinned together) and started quilting yesterday - exactly a year since I did the class with Karen K. Stone. The photo I took for my daily journal shows my fabulous new sewing machine and my awesome new purple adjustable desk chair (Christmas present from my man) - they are both making the quilting such a pleasure.
I am so happy that I have finally begun this stage. I am not going to beat myself up that it's not done yet. I find it really difficult to focus on one thing when I enjoy many different art forms. And I'm not going to lose that enjoyment with "shoulds" :-)
So that's my last week, and here's my daily journaling spread.
You can see my Flickr album with all my daily journaling spreads HEREOur new school year started today so we'll be adapting back to school term routines. Happy February - hope to see you again soon.

1 comment:

  1. Your new chair sure looks comfy! I almost got into quilting once, years ago, but my mother made a remark that "I would never have the patience" for it, so that was it. She was probably right, but I didn't even have a chance to try it before she broke my wings with something that was just a throwaway remark for her. (She's very good at sewing. She used to make our clothes when we were kids.) Perhaps I should read that book! It sounds like something I could benefit from!

    Don't forget to reuse those empty spray bottles! When mine nearly ran out, I added some alcohol to turn them into alcohol inks, although I read that you're not supposed to spray alcohol. I was hoping that it might make them permanent, but sadly, that wasn't the case.

    You're right, work on whichever projects sings to you at the time, without obligation, otherwise it's no fun! Love the quilt and all those memories packed into your journal page!


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