Friday, February 19, 2016

DLP 2016 the unPlanner : Pocket Art Cards

This year, the Documented Life Project is an unPlanner. Check it out HERE. Although I don't want to work in a planner, I really ♥ the idea of their pocket art cards (PAC), and think I will try & make them a weekly challenge for my daily art journal. Here's what I've done so far...I have been inspired by different bases including repurposing tags, watercolour paper and cardstock trimmed to a pleasing size that inspires me. There is no reason to keep the pocket cards all the same size or shape. Previously shared as part of my daily journaling pages:
January Week 1 : Incorporate 16
January Week 2 : a quote and an action for the month
January Week 3 : Use magazine clippings. I did 2 for this challenge! HERE
This past week I've caught myself up :
January Week 4 = to use a piece of a receipt from your week : Amend the challenge as needed to work for you! I bought a lovely new skirt on sale recently, and quite liked its attached tag which was printed with a greyed background pattern and already had the word "spirit" on it. Decided to do a little arting up on that rather than using the receipt :
February Week 1 = incorporate thread or floss. This was easy for me since I often do that anyway (as evidenced by the cards above). The new theme for February is "Love without Hesitation : Taking the leap". You can see machine stitching across the top, and down the right hand side across the bottom of the card, as well as to outline the found words.
February Week 2 = use shades of one colour. This was more fun than I expected. Once again, began with a previously gelli-printed piece of card-stock that I trimmed to a pleasing size
This week's DLP challenge also incorporated a Dare2B card : choose a word or action to focus on for the month. As explained in this post, for One Little Word this month we're focusing on the concept of "Practice", and we're picking one single thing to focus on every day in February. This led to my found words for the card, and I was thrilled to find the word "Dare" as well
Now I'm ready for the next challenge of February Week 3. Next time I'll share how they look in my daily journal pages. Have a lovely weekend.


  1. The control freak in me would want to keep the cards the same size, LOL! But you're absolutely right, there's no reason why you should! They're all unique in their own way! Great collection and so inspiring to make it a year-long, ongoing project.

  2. Beautiful work! I love them all :) and I love that you include what the challenge is about too, give me ideas lol


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