Tuesday, February 23, 2016

My Daily Art Journal : last week

I started Spread 12 in my daily journal with the second base I created when I unclogged my spray bottles.
I like using different ways of adding dates to my journal - sometimes I just write it as part of the journaling, but I started my first page a little more creatively.
I also like the little additions you can make to a page that are not obvious at first glance, but make you smile when you look at the details - the title of this piece of music for my Valentines' entry is one of those things
and it's fun to add doodles in gaps - this is my sakura silver shadow pen again
and to unexpectedly find wonderful words hidden in the background :-)
I shared the Pocket Art Cards from the Documented Life Project (DLP) that now appear in this spread HERE. The prompt for the pocket art card from DLP 2016 for January Week 5 was "ask someone to draw or make marks on your card". I changed the challenge to suit myself! I won the privilege of being sent a card made by the very talented Tracy Verdugo while she was on her travels last year. This arrived in the mail for me : 
It's been sitting on my windowsill and now it has a place in my journal. The colours are both very her and very me :-)
The words that appear in the background of my pages, since I am altering an art book, can be cool (as in the word example above) or too intrusive. Sometimes I need to apply another colour to disguise them before writing
I enjoy including photos of what I'm currently reading and watching - loving this book - the title attracted me :-)
And an art journal is also a handy place to pop in those little pieces that I seem to have lying around without a place - this flower is from a 21 Secrets class with Ro Bruhn from 2013!
It's fun  that the background has the word SKY repeated...
Here's Spread 12 complete - click on the photo to see it larger :
You can see my Flickr album with all my daily journaling spreads HERE. You can find out more about DLP 2016 the unPlanner HERE.


  1. This is great! You made me smile with the first photo of unclogging your spray bottles. Great plan. Waste not, want not? :) I love how you circled serendipitous words appearing in your background! That book looks so good, I want to read it! Your numbers are darling, and how exciting to receive that happy mail! I also enjoy including those random pieces floating around my art space. It's rewarding to find a home for them! Beautiful work.

  2. Gorgeous spread, Lynette! There's so much to look at -a lovely collage of interesting pieces. Lucky you to have received a piece of art from Tracy Verdugo (I'm so looking forward to her LB lesson!) and such a good idea to include it in your own! Love the stitching on your card! It adds so much interest and texture.

  3. Thanks Zsuzsa - I am loving those pocket art cards, and I always feel like if I'm missing something, it's usually stitch that helps me feel finished :-)

  4. I'd better dust off my sewing machine too!:)


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