Wednesday, January 13, 2016

DLP and daily journaling

Sharing my next completed daily journaling spread. You last saw it looking like this : 
I've had a couple of events on in the past week which has meant not so much arty time, but it's all good. My lovely man and I had a couple of days in Wellington - nice just to be us together away from the children (must do it more often!). We stayed in a lovely centrally located hotel so we could walk most places, and enjoyed great food and service - we particularly love The Lido Cafe for lunch and coffee and Plum for breakfast. We shopped and talked, and as well as eating, we got to the 3 very special exhibitions honouring New Zealanders in WWI - if you are in Wellington between now and 2018 you need to see all 3 (and incredibly, they are all free although you may be moved to give a donation): Pukeahu National War Memorial Park (the Hall of Memories was very moving), and directly behind that is The Great War Exhibition  (created by Sir PeterJackson and housed in the Dominion Musem - allow at least an hour to see this alone). Then go to Te Papa and see Gallipoli : The scale of our war (created by Weta Workshop - including giant sculptures 24 times human size). It's A-MAZ-ING - well worth waiting in the queue. To capture our memories of our days away, I decided to put a card on the page
It was a blank card with a simple heart on the outside - first I added gelli-printed paper to the outside heart
and then I edged and attached the card to the page with my own gelli-printed tape (using this method) - to contain some of our memories.
As you can see in the photo above, I've made a start on my next Life Book project - it's taking a while because it's a double-page spread. Hopefully that will be the next completed art I share.
This week's Documented Life prompts were, again, inspiring. You get a variety of ideas each week from 3 very talented women. This week I decided to embrace this month's theme of "Going out on a Limb : Trying something new" by reminding myself of my word for 2016 and adding a quote to an art card. The painted cardstock I used already had mica flakes on it so I trimmed it, and added lovely ribbon and stitch to the edges before including my quote and some stamping and pen work. The spirals along with the gold flakes look joyful to me - the promise of things to come.
I need to remember that this is a long process where my success won't be measured for 365 days. 
I love that an art journal is a chance to try out new supplies, and can also be a place to renew your love of what you already have. I used some new border stencils here (sponged paint through them)
and after outlining the hearts with a black marker, decided it would be more fun to to add a different kind of marker to the rest. I rediscovered my Sakura Gelly Roll Silver shadow pens. I originally bought these to try on black paper, assuming they were metallic, but turns out they are better on white paper.
I used the green to do the swirls on the very edge of the paper by the hearts, and the blue to outline the blue stencil, but I especially love the effect of the small dots I added around my word - how cool is that? (click on the photo to see it larger) I think I'll be bringing these out to play again soon :-)
Here's my spread complete. It's a nice way to capture thoughts, photos, and have a play with supplies - very relaxing. If you do some daily journaling, let me know in the comments so I can visit and we can inspire each other.
I've started a new Flickr album with all my daily journaling spreads HERE. You can find out more about DLP 2016 the unPlanner HERE.


  1. Lovely! I love all of it! The stencil is awesome. You patterns from it came out beautifully! Looking forward to seeing more! Hope you're having a wonderful day!

  2. Hi Deanna - thanks so much for visiting and your lovely comments. I found you on Google+ but couldn't seem to read your post properly. Hope you have a creative week :-)

  3. A lovely spread with lots of memories! The card added interest to the page - I like flaps and fold-outs because they make the pages interactive. Sounds like you had a lovely getaway with hubby in Welly! I'm reading a historical novel that takes place in New Zealand - somewhere around Christchurch. It sounds so exotic to me!


Thank you so much for leaving a comment. I will always respond to you so check back here in a couple of days.