Friday, January 22, 2016

DLP and daily art journaling

This week I started with this spread of sprayed colour (see my previous post about unclogging my spray ink bottles). I was really inspired by the prompts at DLP the unPlanner this week, and got started right away on thinking about the ListTEN - books that changed your life. I'm a reader - I love Fiction and arty books, and decided it was too hard to choose just 10 books for their challenge, so I changed it to suit myself. Our public library keeps a record online of what we've had out, and I was able to go online and browse through my list and decide on my Top 10 Novels for 2015  (click on the photo if you want to see it larger)
AND my favourite art books last year.
I printed the list base (free when you join) on to pretty paper, and then glued the lists back to back. They are hinged directly into my daily journal with pretty tape. It was really fun to revisit these titles. 
I realised after I finished these lists that I neglected to include the 2 fabulous art books which I was gifted for Christmas - admittedly with a little guidance ;-) 
If you like painting techniques and gorgeous colour, you can't go past these two wonderful artists. Here are the books ::
Tracy Verdugo's blog is HERE and a peek inside her book via Amazon is HERE.
Alena Hennessy's blog is HERE and a peek inside her book via Amazon is HERE
Both also offer online classes. I became aware of Alena because she was a teacher on Life Book in 2015, and Tracy is a teacher on Life Book 2016. 
I was keen to make another art card this week, and cut out a piece of the paper I'd originally used to test sprays on when thinking about using this recycled art book as my journal
On the day I started this, I'd finally made myself spend a couple of hours in the garden giving it a much-needed tidy. The floral theme is evident in the card! The prompt was to use text from a flyer or magazine : 
I liked the sentiment - I am working slowly towards changing habits, and know what I'm doing wrong, "where i stand". I loved using the daisy-printed ribbon, adding machine stitch and the doodles on the flower (also from a magazine) and on the card were pure fun.
This daily journaling is also a good place to add things that you don't want to throw away, but don't really have another place for - here I've used up a bit more of my gelli - printed masking tape, and the punched flowers will find a place as well.
Here's how my first page of this spread looks finished
We've been really enjoying watching the Harry Potter series - first time for my 11-year-old who hadn't seen past "The Prisoner of Azkaban" before because the werewolf was too scarey. And I really enjoyed reading The Collected Words of AJ Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin. I love that I can capture these memories in my daily journaling without necessarily having to comment further than the photo of the cover on my page.
January's theme at DLP is "Going out on a Limb : trying something new" - although this daily journaling style isn't coming easily to me yet, I'm enjoying the spreads when finished, and it feels good to be doing this regularly and trying something different.
You can see my Flickr album with all my daily journaling spreads HEREYou can find out more about DLP 2016 the unPlanner HERE.

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