Sunday, December 13, 2015

Week 49 : DLP 2015

Information about the FREE weekly Documented Life project is HERE. Last week's challenge brings our final theme for the year :
I didn't manage to make my journal spread until today, since last week was hectic to say the last week of work for the school year with all the finishing jobs that entails, along with many social events. I was exhausted while enjoying every minute! 
Today I was finally able to rest, and as a reward I watched the download of Dina Wakley's "Art Journal Stencils & Masks" - find out more about that HERE. When I finally sat down to start my spread, I decided I'd use a mask and try one of Dina's techniques - I'm still tired, and it didn't go to plan....
Bit of a mess, but with some pretty bits - much like my week! Decided the best thing to do was add a layer and decided to use a larger size stencil to make a feature
I also added gold paint to the areas of the page that hadn't been covered, and lovely gold patterned tape to mark my journaling block. Like it better already. 
I love using words from large print books in much of my work - I call them found words which I repurpose to create messages in my art. "Words front and centre" is the art challenge for the week, so I took that to heart and used found words to create a bit of a story of my week (click on the photo if you need to read it larger)
Then my spread just needed some extra layering stencils to provide more interest - I decided that silver, metallic green and turquiose would work best :
The art journal prompt was "Life is a book. We fill the pages" - love that I am also literally doing this by filling the pages of my art journal with my life :-)
Click on the photo to enjoy it larger or see it in the Flickr album I've created for all my Documented Life 2015 spreads HERE. You can see all my posts about this project HERE.
I love my job, but at this time of year I especially love that I only work school terms and now I have weeks of summer holidays to enjoy :-)

1 comment:

  1. I love what you're doing - I've just signed up for DLP


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