Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Sparkly Week 51 : DLP 2015

Information about the FREE weekly Documented Life project is HERE.
I decided to start by messily swiping 3 colours on my spread - now I'm not intimidated by the blank page and I can't ruin it cos it's not that lovely to start with! First layer....
Started with the turquoise and purple and then added the yellow which has turned green over the turquoise and brown over the purple = colour wheel magic. I am totally okay with the "mud" cos it helps to raise up the beautiful colours in contrast. Of course I could have written on the page first before swiping the colour for hidden journaling - but I liked the idea that Sandi Keene shared this week of hiding your message by overlapping your lines.
Then it was time to hide some of that with stenciling in a darker purple and some hydrangea serviette - all of a sudden I like where this is going....
time to add more stencilling and I'm having so much fun I forgot to take progress shots!
Couldn't resist adding glitter and some appropriate words
Gold tape for my journaling spot
and another way to add hidden journaling is a tag :
Lots of lovely layers - because it's Christmas week I decided I'd go all out using paint in silver, gold, iridescent green, and lashings of gold glitter....it's all over my studio table now :-)
Click on the photo to enjoy it larger or see it in the Flickr album I've created for all my Documented Life 2015 spreads HERE. You can see all my posts about this project HERE.
♥♥♥♥♥MERRY MERRY ♥♥♥♥♥


  1. It's true about the mud - it accentuates the clear colours. That's my kind of thinking too: if it's not that great to start with, you can't ruin it. There's nothing worse than a beautiful background you're too afraid to touch! Lovely message about family at Christmas! Enjoy yours!

  2. Hi Lynette, Congratulations! Wonderful years work, well done. Hope you have a safe and happy Christmas season. All ready for 2016 and more great art? Thanks for sharing, I've really enjoyed your pages.
    Christmas in Tauranga this year, with family.....aren't we lucky to live in New Zealand! Heather.


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