Sunday, December 27, 2015

LB2015 : You are Wise

I've not had time to do any Life Book projects this month until now. Have been happy to have kept up with Documented Life weekly, to have made my Christmas cards and the bookmarks were a bonus. But yesterday (Boxing day) and this morning, we've had some time relaxing at home, and I was able to find time to make art. With a few project choices, I rolled the dice again. Another lesson created by Tam, this one was looking at some of our 'limiting beliefs' : those deep rooted beliefs we have that stop us from moving forward, or that hinder our progress and growth in life. We looked at how we can 'be present' to these thoughts, really become more aware of them and try and transform your thinking to liberating beliefs. I started sketching my figure. 
She is supposed to be soaring above a hill (which becomes a symbol for your liberating beliefs) but as I did her face, and pencilled in some swirl curls framing her face, I got the feeling she's my wise guardian angel - reminding me to rise above - to be strong - that I CAN...I added some colour to her face, and rather than starting to draw a hill, I found I wanted her floating above a garden (click on any photo to see it larger). 
Next step in the process was to add some collage, and before I knew it, I was channeling the botanical theme and applying some of my favourite serviette to her dress, and adding some floral tape....happily whilst looking for some text for another project, I recently found my word of the year again (in a large print book) - it feels right to include this somewhere in what could be my last Life Book project for the year since I'm about to start the process of choosing a new word for 2016. Time to add colour - I am loving her face and hair
Next was applying modeling paste with a spatula through stencils
I love the textural effect, and decided to keep mine white to add nice contrast to the colour behind
Hanging from her dress, a list of liberating beliefs to carry me into 2016
And I felt the need to add glitter - my word for 2015 overlays her heart
I noticed that at some point her face had some purple transferred to her cheek - I've left it there because it looks a bit like freckles, and I like the imperfect charm it adds
I enjoyed adding detail to the flowers
And here's my page complete : 
Click on the photo to see it larger, or HERE to see it in my Flickr album of all my Life Book projects. You can see all my posts about Life Book HERE.

1 comment:

  1. So pretty! I remember having a lot of fun with that lesson! Can't wait to see your entire LifeBook! My pages are all prepped and punched - I'm just waiting for some binder rings to arrive - the ones I have are not big enough. I considered with the idea of stitching the pages together, but I decided to play it safe in the end.


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