Thursday, December 3, 2015

Documented Life : journal cover part 2

At the beginning of October, I was creatively inspired to tackle the cover of my Documented Life Journal. My cover ended up like this :
You can read about my process HERE. At the time I noted that next up was inside the front cover
When I began our Week 48 challenge to use stencils, masks, and stamps together (see previous post) I scraped excess paint off on these surfaces hoping that would inspire some progress
and it worked :-) worked so well I forgot to take any more progress shots! But I enjoyed naming my journal
adding stamps, stencils, and other marks
and included a face - again this is a copy of the one I also used on the cover with the purple hair (top left)
And here's the inside front cover complete - much more inspiring than the brown blanks I was faced with previously
Click on the photo to enjoy it larger or see it in the Flickr album I've created for all my Documented Life 2015 spreads HERE. You can see all my posts about this project HERE.


  1. So bright and colourful! I bet it was satisfying to be working on the covers when your book is almost complete! Are you going to do a flip through?

  2. Never done a flip through - may consider that, although I have a flickr album with them all uploaded there.


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