Thursday, November 12, 2015

Week 45 : DLP 2015

Information about the FREE weekly Documented Life project is HERE. It's a new month and a new theme : 
VERY happy to see this - I use stencils and masks and stamping extensively in my work so I think these are going to be joyful playing weeks which is just what I need in our busy last term at school. This week's challenge : 
Responding to this week's prompt, as far as art goes, I want to keep myself challenged - on the edge - stretching myself to try new things, so I started in a different way from usual by choosing a palette of colours I don't usually use - red, yellow, and blue - but I am also "allowed" to use black and white as I get to my last layers.
I like starting with paper on my bottom layer, so lay down a bit of that, and then my 2 lightest colours for my background. 
Now I'm challenging myself to just use stencils for all my other layers....
The stronger colours are acrylic paint, and the lighter ones are cleaning the stencils off with a baby wipe as other layers on the background. Layering stencils add depth and interest :
I used letter stencils for my daily journaling block this week 
and I've had this Dina Wakley word stencil for a while
which I used to add words to my spread
The butterfly is the one bit that wasn't stenciled but was too perfect not to be added to the page. And here's the finished spread :
Click on the photo to enjoy it larger or see it in the Flickr album I've created for all my Documented Life 2015 spreads HERE. You can see all my posts about this project HERE.

1 comment:

  1. It was fun seeing how you built up your page. You've got some awesome stencils there! I'm only just discovering the power of stencils!


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