Friday, November 6, 2015

Week 44 : DLP 2015

Just wanted to quickly share my solution for my daily journaling for last week's challenge first. I decided that I would use tracing paper again and sandwiched it between the edges of this page and the next so that it becomes a flap. I can now read the journaling
and then flip it out of the way to see the spread without it.
This week's challenge was still under the theme of translucent papers (and also included dryer sheets and fibrous papers)
The first thing I did was to get some of my strawberry and rhubarb teabags, add hot water, and then add some of the tea to some coffee filters as well - delicious smell and colour
With our journal prompt of "just create" it was also appropriate that this week's Life Book lesson by Tam was about "Following your happy". As the first part, she shared a warm-up exercise where she encouraged us to consider all our supplies and think about which ones make us light up inside. Next thing was to use them without thought to composition, rules or a finished product. Just play and follow your happy! This is exactly how I like to start creating my pages so I followed that philosophy to start this week's spread : tissue/serviettes, stencils, spray, lace
Now to add more of what I love - stamping flowers and a butterfly, and a cute teabag label with the perfect sentiment
Then it was time to add the same stamping to my dried teabags and coffee filter
and then cut them out and apply them to the page
you can see their translucence with the backgrounds affecting their colour a wee bit. I loved the edge of the coffee filter so that had to be applied along the edge of the page as well
Here are a few close-ups of yummy texture and layers
it all makes me happy
I like the 3 different flower effects
And here's the completed spread
Click on the photo to enjoy it larger or see it in the Flickr album I've created for all my Documented Life 2015 spreads HERE. You can see all my posts about this project HERE.


  1. Your new spread is amazing! I'd better start saving up some teabags! I can tell you followed your happy all the way! Very inspirational! The flap idea for the journalling is great too! Flaps and inserts can add so much interest to a journal! They make it interactive!

  2. I'm in awe of how you keep up with DLP, your book must be a joy to behold. I want to see it finished when the year is over, it must be overflowing with good stuff.


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