Monday, November 23, 2015

LB2014 : free lesson

In August 2014, Tam offered for a FREE Life book lesson from earlier that year. The instructions are all still available at that link if you are inspired to have a go yourself. This is her lovely inky spray portrait :
I've always loved the look of all that gorgeous inky juicy colour and decided that next I could try this or one of 3 other lessons I've not done so far in LB2015. I wrote down the numbers of the lessons (32, 43, 45, and 14 for this lesson) and then I threw a dice to decide which one I would do. I find this is a great way to find out what your heart really wants....First number I got was 5 which immediately made me wish that the 2014 lesson had come up, so that made the decision easy!
Here's how she happened :
I used Dylusions ink sprays here. If you're not clear about what inks go well together without making mud, there's an excellent video by Dyan Reaveley HERE which explains her colour mixing with her inks.
Love how that pink frames her face. Adding more inky lusciousness :
And I love how her curls turned out. I had sooo much fun with this project and I feel so very happy when I look at her finished :-)
You can click on the photo to see her larger, or see her in the  Flickr album for all my Life Book projects HERESee all my posts about Life Book HERE. She'll be bound in with my 2015 projects at the end of the year.

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