Thursday, October 15, 2015

Week 41 : DLP 2015

Information about the FREE weekly Documented Life project is HERE. When I saw that the theme for October is Translucent Papers, I knew this one was coming.
I ♥ using tissue paper in my art, and even have a label so you can check out all the ways I use it HERE. It was therefore logical to start with tissue paper as my first layer on my spread this week - using both layers of tissue that I talked about HERE, since the mid layer will be great as pattern but not too intrusive for my daily journal section.
Went on to add colour with a wet wipe to blend - inspired by the colours of serviette that will be applied next
Layering on other serviettes
and layering stencils now
You can print your own images or quotes on tissue at home - this is really useful if you want an image on a bumpy or imperfect surface. Glue the top of your sheet of tissue (trimmed to fit your printer paper) to a carrier page and print through your inkjet printer, feeding the glued end in first
This is a handy tip for tearing around tissue/serviette - dip a paintbrush in water and run it where you want to tear : 
Thinking about the prompt of 'the disappearing trick' made me think of feeling invisible, and not wanting to disappear without a trace. I added a favourite quote to my bright page : 
And this is my answer and completed spread 
Click on the photo to enjoy it larger or see it in the Flickr album I've created for all my Documented Life 2015 spreads HERE. You can see all my posts about this project HERE.


  1. I saw a notice in the library for local history week, are you taking a class?

  2. Yes I am ::
    Very excited!

  3. So pretty! Great tip about paint brush and tearing!


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