Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Quilt inspirations

This afternoon I finally got my quilt blocks together into a top. Hooray. Now on my lap, I need to tear off all the papers....it's not hard but will take a while. 
Will share a proper photo of the front later in the week... meanwhile, I've been well inspired during the school holidays to get back to quilty pleasures. Last week we had a few days in Rotorua. I found Cottage Flair and had a lovely time looking at all their beautiful quilts and inspiring displays. I have always loved pohutukawa and a quilt featuring blooms is on my to do list {one day!} - bit closer now after purchasing this lovely pattern :
I think it will become a centre block of something larger if when I get around to making it. Then I took my mum to the Marton Quilt show (Rangitikei Country Quilters) on the weekend. 
They had a nice layout of quilts, the opportunity to shop (buying a bit of new stuff enables you to use more of your stash!), and a couple of great guest exhibitors as well. For my future reference and your enjoyment :
This was my favourite of the show. I love how she (Sue McClelland) has taken the poppy fabric and changed it up with other blocks
Click on any photo to see it larger
This blue quilt is all squares and 1/2 square triangles and looks very effective. Would love to see it made up in different colours :
This one was chosen as part of a suitcase exhibition currently touring. Called "Flashpoint", by Anna Williams.
I've seen this next pattern a few times, and really enjoy it each time I see it. I think it's the mix of limited colour palette, the bold patterns, the very NZ flavour
This was the one that made me smile the most 
Fun stitcheries included :-)
Gorgeous Kaffe Fassett - nice with framing the alternate blocks
Here are my favourites from the two awesome guest exhibitors as well. 
Jacqui Karl : "Quilting isn't all about bed quilts" 
lovely colours
beautifully quilted  
and lots of variety in her work
I can't choose a favourite, but mum liked this one best of Jacqui's
And then there was Merrilyn George's exhibition inspired by the life of Suzanne Aubert. Her work is always so beautiful, multi-layered, technically excellent, and so meaningful. Here is a taste :
Her stands were designed so we could also see the back of her work
If you want to find out more about these works go HERE.
We finished the morning by purchasing my backing fabric for my quilt at the top of this post, this gorgeous magazine 
which features Anne Brooke who inspired this collage I made in June
and I had to buy some lovely batiks just because they make my heart sing...only 0.3 m of each so not a huge extravagence
and the turquoise will be fabulous with the pohutukawa when I make that quilt!
Hope you are finding something to inspire you this week. Talk to you again soon.

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