Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Life Book 2016

I mentioned in my last post that Life Book 2016 is open for registration - check out all the details HERE
Scroll all the way down the page in that link for the schedule for the year and all the teacher profiles. I thought I might need to share a bit more about it. If you've never seen Life Book before, check out the projects I've done this year HERE.
It's not for everyone but these are reasons I would continue on the journey through 2016 :
1. Life Book lessons help you develop your own style, but not necessarily in ways you might expect. With every new lesson I am learning what I want to incorporate into my own work, and what I want to leave behind. 
2. I initially joined because I wanted to learn how to make faces and I've still got a lot to learn.
3. Once signed up, I don't want to waste my money so it's a good incentive for me to show up in my studio and create
4. It's a very supportive online community
5. The teachers give great messages about valuing yourself and your art, and if you want to work through some self-help exercises and meditations those are there as well, but can be totally ignored if that's your preference.
6. The lessons are clearly stepped out, and I love being able to learn from international teachers that I could never have access to from NZ otherwise
7. You can save all of the Life Book lessons (including the videos) to your own computer so you can continue to watch and be inspired in the years to come as well
8. did I mention the value for money?....
Work out how much it will cost you per month, or Main lessons. I am very lucky that returning life bookers get a discount - this means my cost for the whole of 2016 will be the same as my husband's cricket fees for the season! Also if I take what I paid for this year and divide it by the number of projects I have completed so far I have only paid NZ$7.80 per lesson - and that's not counting ones I've watched and not actually produced anything but just enjoyed the filling of my creative stores. This is GREAT value, and I still have 2 months of time. AND you can save every video, and every PDF so that you have access forever!
There are different teachers each year, but Tam (the creator) usually delivers at least 8 main lessons, and pops in with some bonus lessons here and there as well.
She has just released a Free taster lesson from this year HERE - open for the next month. It's her paint over collage lesson - her sample :
and this was mine which I shared HERE.
In her own words : pls know that this is a great example of the types of lessons I provide throughout the year, I go in to huge depth, I give my lessons my all. I dig deep inside myself and share in great detail all the techniques I’ve learned and refined over the many years I’ve been doing this work (since 2008!). I create beautiful in depth PDFs and I really care about you, your experience and try to create my classes so they can be understood by beginners and more experienced alike! :)
I am very happy to answer any other questions you may have about this experience. Leave a comment with a link to your email, or email me directly through the link in my profile (top right of side bar). 


  1. Interesting to read about Life Book. You have obviously enjoyed doing it! I am blog hopping as I am doing a blog comment challenge (300 in 30 days) and have found some fabulous artists blogs who are doing Life Book. I really want to do some art journaling next year, but am a beginner, so will look at other classes too. Thanks for the info!

  2. Have you signed up for 2016, Lynette? I have! I couldn't live without LB now! Even if I won't have time to complete each and every lesson, I want to be part of it! I also signed up for another year long course (I must be mad!) called Wanderlust, have you heard of it? I think it's their first year, but there are some quite famous artists lined up for the year. It's more technique based rather than project based. I think it's a good compliment to LB, if only you have enough time! Here's a link if you want to check it out. http://www.everything-art.com/Wanderlust/


Thank you so much for leaving a comment. I will always respond to you so check back here in a couple of days.