Saturday, October 10, 2015

LB2015 : Paint over collage

This Life Book project was created by Tam - our lovely creator of this course. I had been waiting impatiently for this lesson because it is her paint over collage technique and ever since I saw examples of her working like this, I have been wanting to try it. Go here for her Flickr set, here for links to her blogposts about this technique, and here for a free progress shot tutorial and link to the online mini class. I had a bit of go with this technique in my Documented Life spread HERE. And enjoyed that so wanted to create a proper separate page for Life Book. Here's how I started - on watercolour paper, some background collage and all covered with a layer of clear gesso so that I can paint over those elements, most importantly, the face
Face beginnings
BRIGHT background!
I was struggling with the what to do next - I don't want to just copy Tam's style with her symbols and background ideas, and then I had a lightbulb moment when I realised I should go with more of what I love to include in my art
My usual swirly doodles, white dots (inspired by Tam but becoming part of my signature), paper serviette, stencils. Needed to be toned down more, so I added more white, and some doodles at her waist. Starting to love it
Adding more of what I love with another of my fave stencils
I ♥ what that green paint colour does - it both anchors and lifts I think. I really like that after recently re-reading Tam's "secret to creating your own style", if I take a leap and follow my heart when creating, I can see that mine is starting to shine through in my work. A little more shading on some edges and she is done
Click on the photo to see it larger or see it in my Flickr album for all my Life Book projects HERE
You can see all my posts about Life Book HERE 


  1. Lovely.... thanks for sharing your progress... I've been wanting to try this technique for awhile so I'll have to give it a go....

  2. Hi Lynette, just saw your message on my blog and had to check this out! What an amazing coincidence that we would be working on the same lesson at the same time months after it was published! You did a great job with this, love your doodles! Great step-by-step as well! I enjoyed this technique so much that I did two other pages just to practice. One of them has similar doodles in the hair as yours! Now I'm trying to not get addicted because I have lots of other lessons to catch up on! Hope you're having a lovely weekend!


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