Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Mid-Year review

Welcome to the second half of the year! In the northern hemisphere, blog posts are about summer holidays and play and colour.
Here in New Zealand, the weather has been grey, and wet, and much cooler - but inside my studio it's still play and colour....and it's 2 weeks of school holidays in July starting this Saturday :-)
Thought it would be a good time to review where I'm at creatively now we're half way through the year. I made a list of creative projects for 2015 HERE, and I'm pretty happy with my progress. 
1. Art Journaling.
I've done really well with keeping up with my 2 main projects in this area so far. Here's what my Documented Life journal looks like :
And here's what 26 weeks of challenges looks like :
See all my posts about that project HERE - I'll be posting this week's 26th challenge on Friday (all going well!)
And I've completed 14 Life Book projects (currently working on #15) :
See all my posts about Life Book HERE. You can still sign up - we are only 1/2 way through, and you get to save and keep all the lessons for ever - including the videos!
2. Collage and Mounted Art
In March, a friend had her birthday and I turned a wooden word into a piece of wall art.
In June I made this collage inspired by the work of Anne Brookes - another tick off my wish list :-)
I really enjoyed symposium in January and did 3 blog posts about my experiences there. I then attended classes with Karen K. Stone. 
I finished my "On a Lark" class project quite quickly (the size helped!) :
In March, I finished this quilt for a 21st present
At the end of May, I was really REALLY excited to get a new Janome 8200 QC sewing machine :
I really hadn't been using this enough, and I'd only been making slow progress on "Wild Women Don't Get The Blues" (my other class with Karen K. Stone) so starting 15th June I've been working on a spiked-border-a-day challenge. Here's a sneak peek of my design wall
This is where I would like to spend more of my time for the rest of the year. Wonder how many more quilts I can make....
4. Mary Ann Moss online classes
The classes I've had with Mary Ann Moss will expire at the end of this year. I will make sure I set some time aside this holidays to at least make sure I have all the notes I need saved for future reference.
Holiday plans also include relaxing in my warm PJs instead of making school lunches, doing some day trips and walks with family, catching up with friends, and on the days it's just me and the boys, I'm going to do jobs in the morning and hopefully have studio playtime for me in the afternoon....I'll keep you posted.
That was a good review and re-focus for me. If you're trying to find ways to fit more art into your days, you might like this post I did in February. See you again soon.

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