Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Quilts on show

Every year our quilt club (Rose City Quilters) hosts Tote & Gloat. It's a day of sharing the quilts we've made over the past 12 months, being inspired by each other and a great speaker, and the opportunity to shop for even more fabric :-)
Quilts were held up on stage and then hung for later closer enjoyment. I am sorry I can't credit most of the quilt makers here because there weren't labels. These were the quilts that spoke to me that day...turned out to be a long post!
Turquoise is one of my favourite colours - the addition of yellow makes this quilt glow
Stunning applique - very striking on the black and love the variegated fabric
Love everything about this - colour palette, circles, flowers...
Soft and pretty fabrics - I have some similar in my stash and this quilt makes me want to dig them out and start cutting. This one I can credit - by my very lovely friend
By Katherine Boyle
This one shows how gorgeous fabric can be showcased using simple block cutting
Lovely landscapes inspired by a Symposium class with Sue Benner
The above 2 and this one below were not much more than postcard size
A lovely pair of quilts for single beds in a spare room
This simple pieced design had lovely quilting ideas
This floral applique is a stunner - check out the quilting too
There were a couple of challenges set for club members this year and I have to share this brilliant quilt by my friend - she won 2nd place for this challenge as well as viewer's choice.
By Debbie Jacques
If you'd like to see the full list and photographs of the award winners please click HERE to go to our Rose City Quilters blog post.
There were also some special exhibitions. One of these was The Hoffman Challenge which I shared in this post earlier about Symposium quilts. Also on display was the Suitcase Exhibition 2015 :
A group called Stella Quilters also shared their quilt challenge inspired by the same 10" block. These are a few examples - I love the variety in interpretations from the same base block (the small one at the top)
This year our speaker was Kay Haerland, born in New Zealand, now living in Australia. She brought many wonderful quilts to show us and was very entertaining. The photos are not as good as seeing her quilts for real, but these were 4 of my favourites. 
Click on her name above to get to her website and see more of her amazing work.
Hope you enjoyed this taste of how I spent last Saturday, and I'm happy to say that I'm going on a bus trip this Sunday to the Kapiti Coast Quilters' exhibition at Southward's Car Museum - see further details at their events page HERE. More quilts and more opportunities to shop! I'll be sure to share what I see...


  1. I am so inspired! thanks for sharing
    all these GREAT Quilts!!!!!!

  2. These are stunning. Thanks also for the Kapiti quilt show reminder!


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