Thursday, April 23, 2015

Week 16 : DLP 2015

Information about the FREE Documented Life Project is HERE
I have been having a couple of "blah" days which could probably have been less blah had I made myself go out to the studio! I think sometimes when you do have a lot on your plate, things can get a bit overwhelming and I forget that if I managed to fit a bit of art in it always makes me feel better. Today I felt a bit more energised so was enthusiastic to start this week's challenge. I only had 20 minutes initially, but was excited to use my Gelli plate again, so thought I would just see how far I got. I decided to try some feathers and yarn for the first print - don't they look pretty?
This print is the left side of the journal spread.
The right side is the ghost print once the feathers and yarn were removed (below)
Had ideas of trying to leave white space this time around - the feather gaps weren't what I had in mind so I added a layer of white next. I need to learn to work lighter in my initial layers.
Next up was a gorgeous blue through a flower stencil. Left top was print with stencil on plate, then lifted the stencil off and printed what was left onto the smaller journal. The other stencilled flowers on the upper spread were cleaning my stencil with a wet wipe onto the background.
Added more layers - not enough contrast here for you to see what I did. 
This was the end of my initial 20 minutes. I'm not in love with it, but I've worked with worse! Off to work and other jobs. Back to this later in the afternoon....
Decided to add white border scallops to lift the spread
and then, looking for more contrast, I did some black on the gelli plate. Used some circle designs I'd cut from needlepoint canvas but this wasn't the print I thought I'd get! Quite liking the contrast and grungier look though.
Not really sure what to do next and don't want to do something that makes me not like it again so used a paint marker to define the border.
Next up is stamping with acrylic paint and a bit of contrasting colour through punchinella
Liking that (it's lighter in real life) and it needs a focal point. My 'go to' focal seems to be a face at the moment - this time I used the same Jane Davenport stencil that I used for her Life Book lesson last month
Click on any photo to see it larger
Started stamping in her hair area, and then finished that with another stencil
I decided I needed words to finish this one - even when my plate feels full, I need to find time for art because that always nourishes me and provides balance and perspective
It feels good to still be using my word of the year in my art. I really like this close-up where you can see the interesting depth of the gelli printed layers
Here's the finished spread :
Click on the photo to enjoy it larger or see it in the Flickr album I've created for all my Documented Life 2015 spreads HERE. You can see all my posts about this project HERE.

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