Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Week 13 : DLP 2015

Information about the FREE Documented Life Project is HERE. Lucky 13....I have been keeping a note of the weekly challenges at the front of my Dylusions journal, and this challenge signals that we are quarter of the way through our 52 week year!
I decided that I would like to carve a new stamp to fulfill the "create a custom element" part of the challenge. I had thought a peacock feather would be lovely, but it turned out to be a little more "tribal" than I expected
I love how it turned out though. The piece along the bottom can be used as a border stamp. I decided I would gather other stamps I have carved in the past that also had stripey or feathery elements :
These stamps inspired the evolution of the page, starting with the base colours (the colours are much brighter than this as you will see as you scroll further down)
I'm thinking tribal will be organge/yellow - probably some red - and definitely some strong black lines. Next up is the base of that new stamp to define the journaling space
and I added another border with my other more curvy lined stamp to the other other edge of the spread
Then I decided to add red through a stencil - the tag is paint through the stencil, left on the page is moving the wet paint with the sponge onto the page, while the top is cleaning off the stencil with a wet wipe
Left the page there and tonight I was feeling really tired. At 9pm, my husband asked what I wanted to do - when I said I wanted to go back to my journal spread but was too tired, he told me to just go out and start...sure enough - once started, my enthusiasm generated my energy and there was no stopping until I'd finished :-)
I had been thinking about a unique spirit being a person, but thought I was too tired to make a good job of a drawing, so I grabbed my face stencil that I had made and used in Week 2 of DLP - you may remember her :  
This time I turned the stencil over to face the other way, and instead of spray paint, I used a cosmetic sponge to detail the face with acrylics, and then sponged in the hair.
Click on any photo to see it larger
She looks quite different doesn't she? Now I had to turn her into my tribal spirit by adding a headband and my custom element and feather stamps in gold. She needed curly hair so that was doodled with a metallic pen
I used the leftover wet paint to stamp these elements again in my background
At this point I decided that I was going to cast the tag idea aside and instead use my "believe" stamp directly on the page
It needed some doodling to make it more "tribal"
I decided to add the quote from the art prompt this week since it informs my word
Just a few more stamps and doodles and my spread is complete. Click on the photo to see it larger.
It's now pretty close to 11pm, and I have spent 2 hours creating art happily, photographing my process, and sharing it with you - that's much better than sitting in front of a screen telling myself I'm too tired! Next week we'll be onto a new monthly theme....can't wait to see what new challenges await.
You can see all my posts about this project HERE and I've created a Flickr album for all my Documented Life 2015 spreads HERE.


  1. Thanks for sharing your inspiration with us. I love how I can understand the process you use to make such lovely art.
    What are you using to carve stamps! I have used some giant rubbers from a $2 shop this week and really enjoyed carving into them. Now I just have to remember which shop I found them in so I can buy more!

  2. Love the peacock feather!

    I'm so inspired by how you hang in there on the challenges you set for yourself and Documented Life Project looks wonderful . . . I think this is the month I begin.

  3. All the info about my stamp carving supplies here :

  4. Love your homemade stamps! I feel inspired to do something similar!

  5. A very inspiring post Lynette, love your hand carved stamp and beautiful pages.


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