Sunday, April 12, 2015

LB 2015 : It really IS the little things!

In my previous post I shared my most recent Life Book lesson complete... 
or so I thought. Even as I posted it and then looked at it over the days that followed, I kept having a nagging feeling that it wasn't really done. I felt like it needed more definition somehow, but I didn't really want to add any darker lines. I should have realised that this piece, as most others from my Life Book have called to me, needed stitch. So just now I did it - machine stitching with metallic green thread added definition to my ferns
and to my border. Click on any photo to enjoy it larger.
Such a little thing, but it makes my heart happy and now I have no doubt that she is finally done!


  1. You are so right -the stitching is the perfect finishing touch!

  2. I haven't tried stitching on my pages, which is ironic given I came to art journaling from a more stitch kind of background. Viewing your stitching really gives me the itch. The stitching looks so natural there and it the way it enhances the image is delightful. The leaves are great with the stitching.

    You have inspired me!


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