Sunday, March 15, 2015

LB2015 : Layers of my heart

The first Life Book lesson of the month is always created by Tam the awesome creator of this amazing year-long class {I am an enthusiastic life-booker!}. I really wanted to do this one, but had a 21st birthday quilt project that I needed to finish first (see previous post). We made seven gratitude hearts that stack together with a brad, and can fan out.
Cut the hearts from watercolour paper, and after colouring the bases in various ways, they were ready to capture the things I'm grateful for in my life. Here they are individually :
Ink sprays, washi tape (had to glue it!), rub-ons, hand stitching

Machine stitching adds so much 
Gel medium resists with watercolour wash over the top
Useful tip - take photos of your work when you think you're done, and look at them on a screen. I had thought the above was done until I did that and realised it, too, needed stitching around the border.
Paper serviette coloured with watercolour paint
Then we created an enveloped page to store the hearts. First layers of sprays and stencils - deliberately aiming for contrast between individual heart colours and envelope! :
I wanted to include music lyrics and One Republic are playing in my car at present :
Love that I was able to include quite a lot of stitching in this project. Here's how it looks all complete :
Now I'm very excited to look at the next Life Book lessons with Jane Davenport AND Tam has given us a full bonus lesson from 2014 as well for the week! Thankfully there's just an artist interview for this coming week's offering, so I've got time to catch up until the next full lesson is posted 24th March.
You can see all my posts about Life Book HERE and I've created a Flickr album for all my Life Book projects HERE

1 comment:

  1. Very sweet. I am in awe how you are taking all these classes. Seems like a lot of fun though.


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