Tuesday, March 3, 2015

3 Quilts for 5 Days

I've been blogging the Facebook Quilt Challenge to post 3 of my quilts each day for 5 days. This is the last day.
Day five : Favourite applique quilts.

"Pacific Paradise" - another pattern by Donna Ward. April 2009
Blue Poppies - made in a class with Mary Transom. Completed November 2009
Simply Delicious completed October 2014. Quilt pattern by Piece O' Cake Designs - more photos from original post HERE  
Back to mixed media again next post :-)


  1. I love Donna Ward's style too.
    Years ago I took a beginners class with her mother and realised I went to primary school with her brother. I can't remember her though.
    She is the maestro at appliqué,eh.
    Love your quilts and the variety of styles,you are a true mixed media artist.
    I think it may be time to break out a kit I bought years ago, which I still like.... Have some time on my hands, going through chemo... Going to be fine. And I WILL use this rare time off work to create! It's an ill wind that blows no good.

  2. I'm in love with the blue poppies! Absolutely stunning!


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