Friday, February 20, 2015

Week 7 : DLP 2015

Information about the FREE Documented Life Project is HERE.
Art Challenge : cover up good stuff
Journal prompt : Going undercover
The challenges this month are all about layers and I was especially inspired by these steps in the artists' processes this week : guest artist Jane Keeling used fibres and stitch, Roben-Marie Smith used stitching and black, Rae Missigman covered up a layer using a gelli plate, and Lorraine Bell started with a layer of writing with a waterproof pen... So with those inspirations in my head, here's what happened on my spread :
I didn't really have much to write about so just wrote down all the things I am grateful for, then scraped the green interference paint over with an old credit card, and used a brush to fill a different green over the gaps
I had this idea that I would use black with a stencil over some bright colours, so next step was the brights randomly through some stencils
click on any photo to see it larger
- loving this, but time to cover it up
LOVING this. Not sure what to do next though, so used stitch to create my journaling block - the purple is fabric
Bit of maneuvering to get this under the machine, but it worked.
Stitch shows through on the other side of course - not sure if that will be covered up by paper next week or will show for my journal block. Will have to see what the next challenge is.
I then had an idea that it might look ethereal with white paint as another layer over the black. Started that, but didn't like it when I lifted to check
Decided to try and remove it with a wet wipe - which made it a bit shady but okay...should have tried to wipe just where I'd made the oops but went too far and wiped over the whole spread {sigh} It's okay but not as in love as I was before. Now what to do?
I decided it needed brightening up a bit again so added that original iridescent green paint through a leaf stencil and also on a large flower stamp around the border. Thinking I might need a quote, so began to create a tag that might work for that.
It's okay but I'm not really feeling it....have been thinking about night garden and fairies in the garden, but I can't draw fairies. However, I might manage a face :
I put some flesh-coloured paint on the bit in the middle that I hadn't stencilled/stamped over
and gradually her face emerged and the spread was done.
I would never have had the confidence to attempt this before I did that first Life Book Lesson. But now I've proved to myself that covering up what you love can actually lead to something you love even more! And I'm happy that I've fulfilled the "going under cover" part of the challenge as well.
You can see all my posts about this project HERE and I've created a Flickr album for all my Documented Life 2015 spreads HERE.


  1. This is amazing, and your face is gorgeous! I love seeing how each layer unfolds and how you bring it all together as you go, rather than having it all pre-ordained!

  2. This is lovely... You are so talented.


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